What are the components of waste heat recovery unit


The waste heat recovery device is to extract the exhaust air energy from the heat setting machine to heat the fresh air intake temperature required by the heat setting machine, so as to reduce the exhaust air emission temperature and save the energy of the heat setting machine. The setting machine mainly consists of five parts, including feeding part, weft leveler, chain, oven body and cloth falling and rolling device. In addition, there are chemical material system and oil furnace heating system.

Waste heat recovery unit

1. Loading part

The structure is relatively simple, which is composed of a material groove and a roller. The cloth enters the material groove, takes the chemical materials, and then presses the surplus chemical materials through the roller. Therefore, the chemical materials on the cloth are very uniform, which is the prerequisite for obtaining high-quality set cloth.

What we should pay attention to here is to whether the pressure on the left and right sides of the roller is consistent. Otherwise, the side with small pressure will be loaded with more materials, while the side with large pressure will be loaded with less materials, and the cloth will have quality problems such as left and right inconsistency.

2. Weft leveler

Mahlo rfmc94h photoelectric weft leveler is equipped on the shaping machine. There are four sets of sensors on Mahlo photoelectric weft leveler. Each set of sensors includes two parts of light-emitting and light-sensitive. The weft skew can be distributed through photoelectric effect. In the action part, the hydraulic system is used. When the signal of weft angle is sent back to the control board, the control board will send out a command to drive the hydraulic system to adjust the angle of the curved roll or the straight roll so as to correct the weft angle. Specifically: when there is a difference between the cloth center and both sides, the curved roller will act; when there is a difference between the left side and the right side, the straight roller will act.

Jinan waste heat recovery unit

3. Chain part

The stretching of the cloth on the setting machine of the waste heat recovery unit is produced by the chain. The chain of the setting machine is driven by a high-power motor close to the cloth falling place. The chain is equipped with a needle plate. When the cloth enters the chain, the brush wheel on the cloth pressing wheel presses the cloth on the small needle on the needle plate. The cloth can enter the oven under the transmission of two chains. The chain of this machine is different from that of other machines. It can control the stretching of each clip separately, so as to achieve good results. However, some machines can not adjust each clip, only grow square or trapezoid.

4. Oven body

Generally, there are eight sets of ovens in the setting machine, and the air is continuously sprayed on the cloth surface by the small holes on the star air-jet frame under the blowing effect of the circulation fan. After the hot air contacts the wet cloth, the temperature drops and the humidity increases, and it is discharged from the large hole on the star air jet frame, and then it is recycled after passing through the filter screen and being heated by the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is located under the filter screen. The heat coal body is hot oil. There are many thin fins on the heat exchanger to produce efficient heat exchange.

Shandong waste heat recovery unit

5. Cloth dropping and rolling device

According to the needs of production, the setting machine can adopt two kinds of cloth output modes, i.e. the swinging type or the rolling type. Both ways are driven by motor chain drive. When the cloth is rolled out, the tension stability of the cloth is required to be high, and the cloth needs to pass through a tension adjusting guide roller controlled by air pump. In the case of cloth falling, a fixed guide roller is used instead of a tension adjusting roller.
