What are the performance characteristics of waste heat recovery unit?


What are the characteristics of the heat exchanger for waste heat recovery? Do you understand? The following flue gas heat recovery heat exchanger manufacturers to share its characteristics! Specifically as follows: the waste heat recovery device is the heat energy that can be used but not be used. The development of China's industry has led to the development of waste heat recovery equipment. The utilization rate of energy is very low. In the production development, a large number of heat energy from all walks of life is directly discharged into the air, which wastes energy and pollutes the air.

Waste heat recovery unit

Our factory produced the waste heat recovery equipment is to recover the wasted heat energy, improve the utilization rate of energy, reduce the cost, and effectively protect the environment. The following is the main performance characteristics of the waste heat recovery equipment.

1. The safety and reliability are very high. The waste heat recovery equipment can carry out the waste heat recovery through the circulation of the system to improve the production efficiency.

2. The heat pipe of the waste heat recovery equipment has high heat transfer efficiency, and the effect of energy saving and environmental protection is very significant.

3. It can adjust the heat pipe temperature of the waste heat recovery equipment and the main leakage point of the equipment, so as to prevent the corrosion of the waste heat recovery equipment and extend the long-term operation of the equipment.

Shandong waste heat recovery unit

4. The installation of the waste heat recovery equipment is very simple. It changes the original process system, making the structure and location of the deployment very flexible, which can be suitable for any occasion.

5. Under the correct maintenance, the service life of the waste heat recovery equipment can be up to more than 10 years, and the heat pipe can be disassembled and replaced. The maintenance is very simple and the cost is very low.

6. For the user, the total investment can be recovered in six months to one year.

Jinan waste heat recovery unit
