Analysis of the advantages of air heat exchanger in use


There are many customers who don't know the advantages of HRR and give up using it. Now Xiaobian will tell you about its many advantages.


Waste heat recovery equipment

1. What are the benefits of using air heat exchanger by waste heat recovery manufacturers? And, is it used for heating or cooling, according to what to decide?

The advantages of using air heat exchanger are as follows:

Advantage 1: improve the drying effect of the material, as well as the smooth transportation and storage of the fluid, in the appropriate temperature range.

The second advantage: it can improve the utilization rate of heat energy and its use effect, so as to realize energy saving and avoid waste.

Jinan waste heat recovery

As for whether air heat exchanger is used for heating or cooling, it is mainly determined according to its actual use, so as to have a correct judgment.

2. In the fresh air ventilator, is the total heat exchanger or air heat exchanger used for Jinan waste heat recovery?

In the fresh air ventilator, the total heat exchanger is usually used instead of the air heat exchanger, because it is a simple energy exchange to replace the indoor and outdoor air, which does not increase the indoor energy consumption too much. Therefore, it is not necessary to use air heat exchanger.

Waste heat recovery manufacturer

3. How to consider the problem of heat preservation on air heat exchanger?

Generally speaking, the heat preservation of air heat exchanger is carried out inside and outside. Because, if it is in winter, the outdoor temperature is low, if there is no heat preservation treatment, then condensation and other phenomena are easy to occur on the air heat exchanger. Therefore, heat preservation treatment is needed to make the heat exchanger have good use effect.
