The different characteristics of different hair dryers of Fengxin Technology


Different characteristics of different hair dryers

1.Bag area hair dryer bellows

Can be installed throughout the entire drying process. Good bag area ventilation and axial controllability, as well as control of increased airflow due to roller rotation, are typical features of this ventilation box. If necessary, adjustable parts can be installed on both sides of the ventilation box to control the airflow distribution in various places.

a. Bag area hair dryer FA

A double dry mesh group used for high-speed paper machines, which can increase the hot air volume in the bag area to improve drying efficiency and help control the lateral humidity distribution in the bag area; Balanced and consistent air volume on the longitudinal air outlet; Improved drying capacity; No excessively dry paper edges; It has a good stabilizing effect on the operation of the paper web; The blowing speed is 30-40m/s.

b. Bag area hair dryer FB

Designed specifically for pulp board paper; High ventilation capacity; Significant drying ability; The required pressure is relatively low and the energy-saving blowing speed is 20-40m/s; Perfect and smooth internal ventilation design.

2.Paper web operation blower box

A. Vacuum roller operation blow box

The vacuum roller operation blowing box can generate negative pressure throughout the entire bag area above the vacuum roller, thus providing good operational performance. In addition, it can also reduce the exhaust volume of the vacuum roller, thus reducing the total energy consumption. This concept utilizes specially designed blowing nozzles on both sides of the bag area to generate negative pressure between the blowing box and the dry mesh. This type of hair dryer does not come into contact with the dry mesh and has no mechanical seal, so it will not wear the dry mesh. This concept is applicable to various forms of single trunk network operation for drying cadres.

The different characteristics of different hair dryers of Fengxin Technology

The hair dryer is specially developed for high-speed paper machines with speeds exceeding 1000 meters per minute. For this high-speed paper machine, the operating performance of the paper sheet needs to be controlled in both the upward and downward positions of the paper sheet. This concept provides good operational performance due to the formation of negative pressure throughout the entire bag area above the groove roller or vacuum roller. In addition, it also reduces the suction volume of the vacuum roller, thus reducing the overall energy consumption.

① Longitudinal balanced and uniform blowing speed;

② Perfect and smooth internal ventilation design;

③ Thoroughly solve the problem of paper web floating;

④ Suitable for speeds above 500m;

B. Single hanging drying cylinder running blow box.

When the paper leaves one drying cylinder and runs towards another in a single dry net drying system, the internal pressure generated by the high speed airflow surges, causing the paper to separate from the dry net. Another undesirable effect is the adhesive force between the paper sheet and the smooth surface of the drying cylinder during the upper pressing zone, as well as the centrifugal force generated in the lower row of drying cylinders. These factors lead to the separation of paper pages and dry nets, resulting in operational performance issues such as wrinkling or paper breakage. The hair dryer is installed between the upper and lower rows of drying cylinders of the single dry mesh dryer to prevent the separation of the paper sheet and the dry mesh. Because this type of blowing box can generate negative pressure to eliminate the pressure in the pressure zone between the drying cylinder and the dry mesh, it can prevent the separation of the paper sheet and the dry mesh. On modern paper machines, lower row drying cylinders with grooves or vacuum rollers with drilled holes are usually used to further increase negative pressure“

The above is the knowledge provided by the editor of Fengxin Technology for everyone's science popularization, hoping to be helpful to you.
