What is the principle and function of air heat exchanger?


Working principle of air heat exchanger:

1.Air enters the heat exchanger. When air enters the heat exchanger, it will be driven by the fan to form air flow. During this process, air will enter the heat exchanger with heat.

2.Heat exchange between heat exchange tube and heat sink. Heat exchange tubes and fins are the core components of air heat exchangers. Heat source air flows inside the heat exchange tube, while cooling air flows on the radiator. Through the design of heat sink, the contact area of air and heat sink can be increased, so as to improve the heat transfer efficiency. When the heat source air is in contact with the cooling air, the heat will be transferred from the heat source air to the cooling air to raise the temperature of the cooling air, while the heat source air will be cooled.

3.Heat release. After the heat exchange between the heat exchange tube and the heat sink, the temperature of the cooling air increases, while the temperature of the heat source air decreases. The cooling air will take away the heat and reduce the temperature of the heat source air. In this way, the heat transfer and temperature regulation are realized.

The working principle of air heat exchanger makes it widely used in many fields. For example, it is often used in air conditioning systems to cool and heat air. In the air conditioning system, the air heat exchanger cools or heats the indoor air by exchanging heat between indoor air and outdoor air. In addition, air heat exchangers can also be used for heat dissipation of automotive engines, heat recovery in industrial production, and air treatment in some special environments.

Function of air heat exchanger:

The water to air heat exchanger is a system with two heating to air, passing the temperature of water in the system and cooling air.

What is the principle and function of air heat exchanger?

In these systems, as a transfer device, as long as the temperature of water is allowed to heat or cool, then air is forced through the fan. This systematic change can be found in various fields. Sometimes, this system is used for heating and cooling in the home.

Water in air heat exchangers, usually using coil systems through which water or other liquids pass. Conversely, regardless of the coil temperature, it is usually transferred to the outside air by the device's induction system, which allows it to be transferred to a collection area, and then it can be forced to exit the surrounding temperature of the coil in the system into the environment through a fan.

These systems can be used to heat or cool the temperature of the air because they disperse and are directly related to the temperature of the fluid through the operation of the coil. For example, a unit has the capacity of two heat, and the heating and cooling of a family car are cooled in the same way. Using such a system, homeowners can buy a system and use its air conditioners and heaters. This method is more cost-effective than purchasing and installing a separate furnace. It is also more environmentally friendly in the long run, not to mention safer. Owners who have a huge furnace and open fire roaring in the basement are not necessarily safe choices, making them vulnerable to fire, carbon monoxide, and even explosion. The use of heat exchanger can change the safety of homeowners in this case and save extra money at the same time.

The working principle and function of air heat exchanger will be introduced here today. I hope it will be helpful to you. Please continue to pay attention to Shandong Fengxin technology to learn more about air heat exchanger.
