What are the structural and installation requirements for the heat recovery device?


What are the structural and installation requirements for the heat recovery device?

Structural features:

The heat recovery device equipment is a primary steam gas heat recovery system, with an indirect tube and tube heat exchanger structure. The frame is made of carbon steel, the tube plates are stainless steel, and the tubes are Φ 38 rust resistant aluminum or stainless steel pipes (used when the temperature is high), the tube plate is connected to the vertical column pipe using an expansion tube structure, and an automatic timed spray device is built-in. This equipment has the characteristics of corrosion prevention, long-term operation prevention of paper wool blockage, and easy maintenance and cleaning. The wet and hot air of this equipment goes through the tube side, the fresh air goes through the shell side, and the new air horizontally washes the heat exchange pipe, which has the characteristics of high heat recovery efficiency.

Installation requirements

1. To ensure the normal operation of the equipment, it is necessary to ensure the levelness of the equipment installation, which should generally be controlled within 1%. The purpose is to ensure that the force at the connection between the first stage steam and gas heat recovery heat exchange pipe and the tube plate is balanced and not damaged locally due to force; The second is to ensure the uniform distribution of spray water; the third is to prevent the deviation of condensate during the condensation process, which affects the heat transfer efficiency.

2. Ensure the reliable sealing of each flange connection surface to avoid leakage at the connection with the system pipeline.

3. Carry out external insulation treatment. According to the local climate situation, insulation materials are selected, and the thickness of the insulation layer is calculated to prevent heat loss or equipment damage. If the local air temperature is high, insulation may not be used.

4. During the installation process of the spray pipeline, foreign objects should be prevented from entering the pipeline to prevent blockage of the spray nozzle and control valve body.

What are the structural and installation requirements for the heat recovery device?

5. Sprinkler automatic control equipment should be installed in areas that are not affected by moisture or freezing to ensure long-term normal operation.

6. The primary steam and gas heat recovery requires the installation of a fresh air filter, which should use a filter screen with high filtration efficiency to prevent contamination of the surface of the heat exchange tube and ensure the cleanliness of the air supply.

When the weight of the pipeline connected to the heat recovery is greater than 300Kg, it shall not be directly borne by the heat recovery to prevent deformation.

Usage requirements:

1. For primary steam gas heat recovery, clean tap water should be used as spraying water to prevent contamination of the pipes and blockage of the nozzles. The water source pressure should be around 0.3MPa to ensure the effectiveness of spray flushing. Generally, spray once every 8 hours.

2. The primary steam - gas heat recovery fresh air filter should be regularly cleaned or replaced according to the local environmental conditions. Generally, it should be cleaned every seven days to reduce inlet air resistance and purify the air.

3. The sprinkler system should have reliable insulation measures. When the temperature is below 0 ℃ and the paper machine stops running, it is necessary to do a good job of unloading and antifreeze, and regularly check the integrity of the automatic unloading solenoid valve.

When heat recovery is in normal use, it should be inspected once a quarter.

That's all for today's introduction of the content of heat recovery devices, hoping to be helpful to everyone. Welcome to learn more about heat recovery devices from Shandong Fengxin Technology.
